Monday, November 24, 2008


Hmmm, what to say? Sorry I've been away so long. I can't promise it won't happen again though! I've been busy buying a house and getting a mortgage organized and dealing with window quotes and running a 10K and freakin' working!!! Not to mention finding time for family and just trying to chill out a bit!
We had Little P this Friday/Saturday. What an angel of a kid he is! Slept 8pm - 7am without a peep. Loves running around and playing and just randomly yelling "YAAAAAAYYYYY!!!" at the top of his lungs while dancing. I love him to pieces. He's such a happy kid.
Sunday was spent running. I was nervous about signing up for a November run but it turned out to be an awesome day and I ran my fastest 10K ever!! 1 hour and 20 seconds. Frig I wish I would have been 21 seconds faster! Post run = Starbucks skinny, sugar free caramel latte!! I asked for the gingerbread one but it wasn't sugar free. Next time I'm splurging though! I'm so glad Jen taught me about Starbucks :)
Our new house closes in a WEEK!! What?? That is insane. At least we do have a month following that until we have to be completely out of this house. However, that means paying for TWO mortgages in December. Not the best timing.
Weight has been stable. I track points in my head and I run and sometimes I cheat. It's all balancing out though. Someone asked how I run during the winter. It's simple. I have to run so I can eat!! Little blips (OK, sometimes they're big blips) in food cause minimal damage because I run. That's my motivation.
Tomorrow is our US shopping trip - "YAAAAYYYY" (as she dances around the living room). No work, just shopping. Hopefully the weather holds out.
This weekend = my grandma's 85th birthday party. There is a new baby in the family so hopefully they come so we can see the babe!
I think that's it for the update. Hopefully I can keep you more on top of things so there isn't a need for the marathon post!
For today =
B - Ancient grain toast (2) with PB & J (2)
L - Spinach salad with mandarin oranges, red peppers and feta cheese (1) with sesame/lime dressing (1), cottage cheese (2), yogurt (1), grapes (1)
S - V8 (1), Pringle stix (2)
D - Spicy lime tilapia (2), spicy green beans (0), noodles (3)
S - Light hot chocolate (1), marshmallows (2)


healthyjen said...

You're back!!!! What a nice surprise!!! Sounds like a GREAT time with Little P (not surprising!). CONGRATS on you run... that's awesome! Winter running agrees with you!

Sucks about Starbucks this year... no sugar free gingerbread latte (this year it's 'gingersnap'). The lady at the counter at my starbucks figures it just wasn't a big seller (damn! why didn't I buy more of them last year?). I tried the skinny (sugar free) cinnamon dolce latte... LOVED it! I think you would like it too.

AHHH! So exciting about your house!! two mortgages in December sucks... just tell everyone their christmas gift from you is that you WON'T be moving in with them because you have a house now!

So how was your shopping trip??? What did you buy?

Have fun this weekend! I had NO idea your grandma was 85... she looks like she's 70 (or younger!)... that's so amazing! Looks like good genes in your family!!! Who has the new baby?

Okay, time to hit the treadmill! Welcome back!!

healthyjen said...

I'm glad you are watching me and keeping me accountable!

You'll get back on track once you're all settled in... just enjoy the holidays and don't stress about food, you know you'll recover (and you're so skinny you can afford a few temporary pounds... it'll be okay!).

I can't wait to see photos of the house!!!!!