Tuesday, April 15, 2008

It doesn't make sense!

Why do I want to eat during the Biggest Loser??? Shouldn't I be motivated to NOT eat or do some crunches or something? One would think so! Anyway, I'm resisting the urge for now...
Unfortunately, I have succumbed to peer pressure today. We ordered pizza for lunch at work today. I CANNOT say no to pizza. My ultimate weakness. Anyway, it was good and it was MY choice. I went for a run after work and had a light dinner (hmm, maybe that explains the snackiness right now?). Run scheduled for tomorrow as well. Then Thursday is a free for all!!!


healthyjen said...

thursday had better be a free for all!!! WOOHOO!!! are you excited for the big day? do you have plans? any celebrations??

i hope the run went well today... i have to slowly find your motivation. why do we always work in shifts?? haha!!!