Monday, April 28, 2008

Desperate times...

call for desperate measures! Yep, running in the rain it was. It was cold and wet but that's what I deserve since I haven't stopped eating since my birthday!!!
I'm stressing about the J & J coming up this weekend. I hope we can make some money. And I hope I can stop stress eating over it!!! Craziness, I tell you.
I did OK with food today, except for that one cookie. Oh and the pita chips. Damn it!!
Need to get back on track, pronto!


healthyjen said...

why are you giving yourself a thumbs down??? you should be giving yourself TWO THUMBS UP for running in the rain!!! That is devotion!!!!

I understand the nonstop eating (although I have no stress so I have no excuse!)... forget since your birthday... I feel like I haven't recovered from EASTER YET!!

I'm ordering the dress for Jess' wedding this week too... 20lbs away from where I wanted to be! Oh well... I still have time before your big days!!!

I'm sure the J&J will go wonderfully!!! I'll be thinking of you guys Friday night... and hoping you're having some fun yourself!!

now - start posting your menus again!!!! maybe that will help with the eating?

healthyjen said...

PS - that photo is adorable of you!

healthyjen said...

I hope the J&J was a success... and that you had FUN and DRANK and ATE... and got the stress done and over with... and now can focus on YOURSELF!!! :)