Monday, May 11, 2009

Not a good girl :(

This was NOT a good eating weekend!! Easter rules did not apply and they should have. I cannot even estimate how many points I ate.
Sunday was likely the worst...let me list a few things: cheese and crackers, lots of full fat tortilla chips and buffalo "chicken" dip, caesar salad, not one but TWO pieces of strawberry glazed pie and one small sliver of lemon meringue pie. OUT of control, I tell you. As Jen has said, the scale is punishing me big time.
Hopefully I have enough time to recover from this. We shall see.
Today has been better. 7K run certainly helped.
Food today:
B- toast and PB and J (3)
L- veggie sandwich (3), cottage cheese (1), cup of soup (1), fruit cup (1)
S- pita chip crumbs (2?)
D- veggie burger (5), tomato soup (3), veggies and dip (1)
That's it for a Monday!


healthyjen said...

I hear you. I don't know why I couldn't implement the easter rules yesterday! I guess we all have slip ups every now and again... we can get back on track for Thursday. Your run today sounds like a GREAT start!!! I am envious... I should have found that motivation!!

Tomorrow's BL will motviate us!! I can't WAIT!!!!