Thursday, May 7, 2009

Blogger found...what's the reward??

I found myself...sorry Jen!
It's been super busy around here lately. I've been trying to get my house in better order due to hosting a work event tonight. It will be the first time some work friends get to see the place!
Also, I've been helping paint Little P's new bedroom! It looks awesome. He's going to have the coolest 2 year old's bedroom around!
Then, hair night was on Tuesday evening. I left right after work to get to Port Perry in time and then L and I went for dinner afterwards.
And we've run 4 evenings this week which also cuts into my blogging time! I feel like I've hardly sat down in the evening all week!
Anyway, on the weight loss front...I lost 1.2lbs this week. This sort of amazes me as I've been having a hungry week! I am more than happy to take it though!
This coming week looks to be crazy as well. Work event tonight, b-day dinner on Friday, taking J's mom out for breakfast on Saturday for Mom's day, going to the cottage Sat. for the delivery of the new boat and staying over there and then Mom's day for my Mom on the Sunday! Whew! I'm tired just thinking about it!
Anyway, that's your update.
I will try to be back to "normal" on Monday!
Happy Weekend!


healthyjen said...

Yay! You are back!! I will figure out your reward soon :)

It sounds like things are busy for you!!

Hopefully you get some relaxation time while you're out at the cottage! I don't know how you couldn't... it's beautiful there and your parents are such great hosts!!

Can't wait to hear from you again Monday!! Great job on the loss still this week. damn!!! you are GOOD with your running!!!!

I'm with you... I am cheering for Mike next week. I can't wait to watch it (but will miss the show when it is over!!!). They start filming the next season next week (I can't wait for it to start airing!).

Okay, have a great weekend!!!! I've missed you :)