Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Bad weight watcher

Ok, why can I not stay within my freakin' points??? I have a cold right now and my throat feels like razor blades but does that stop me from eating? Of course not. What is my problem this week?
1. I know I'm up so now I don't care
2. Unfortunate left overs from the wedding - specifically the candy "bar"!
3. This is the week leading up to "that" time
4. I just keep making excuses
ENOUGH already. Get your hand outta the jellybeans and step it up a notch!!!!


healthyjen said...

I totally empathize! This week is just not a good one for me... The only reason i can come up with is that I was bad on the weekend and it's just hard for me to recover during the week!

I spoke to Stacey last night and she's findind the same thing this week too - lazy/lack of motivation/exhaustion!

We will do so much walking on the weekend we'll start the week off GREAT next week!!