Friday, November 9, 2007

Gain :(

Bad week is OVER. I gained 2.8 lbs. The good news is...I had some wiggle room. The bad news is...I liked my wiggle room and it's gone :( So sad. Oh well. I really deserved to gain this week. It's a good reality check. Just cause I'm at goal doesn't mean I can go and eat whatever I want. Lesson learned and I'm moving on!


healthyjen said...

It's okay Tara - on to next week!!! We'll do so much walking tomorrow that you'll have that wiggle room before you know it! AND we'll behave in our meals... where do you eat lunch/dinner/whatever down there?

I'm going to call and find out if they have sugar free gingerbread... I can't wait until tomorrow to find out, i have to know now!!

healthyjen said...

oh my god! we have to try the applebee's WW menu!!!!! THAT IS SO EXCITING!!!! tomorrow is going to be WICKED!!!

today was a BUST (my day off) - bottom line, i ended up spending the whole afternoon at the apple auto glass place rather than getting a ride home... so why does this matter to you? my apartment is a disaster zone... that is your warning! i haven't cleaned at all this week!!!!!