Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Same story...different day!

I'm a bad eater lately. That's all there is to it. No excuses. Just bad choices! I cannot imagine I won't soon pay for it on the scale.
In other news, I did two straight days of shopping and I'm still not done my Christmas shopping!
I'm running a 5K this Saturday so we went running today in a freakin' blizzard just to get our mileage in. Now that's dedication :)
We also have a family Christmas get together this Saturday. I WILL be good. Especially with the help of the 5K run in the morning!


healthyjen said...

I bet all that walking around and carrying shopping bags on TOP of your running this week will still give you the results you want!!

don't sweat it too much - you always come out on top!!!

Hopefully you can finish up your Christmas shopping soon! (I guess I should start mine!)