Monday, August 18, 2008

Moderate over-indulgance

So following a few drinks on Saturday night and not keeping track of what I ate on Sunday, I'm back. Hmmm, wonder why I don't lose weight??? Same pattern EVERY week. Good Monday - Thursday where I weigh in then spend the weekend not paying attention. By Monday morning, back up 3 lbs that I lose from Monday to Thursday. This was a fine pattern when I was at goal weight but I'm not liking it right now.
You would think my solution would be to quit misbehaving on the weekend - sounds reasonable, right? But I don't learn apparently. I'm hoping that my running will help me out this week. If not, I may actually have to track points on weekends - GASP!!!!
I ate well today and followed points and got in a 10K run after work (in between the thunderstorms!!). We didn't eat dinner until 7:30pm so snacking after dinner has not been a problem, thankfully :)