Friday, August 29, 2008

Friday again??

Wow, I cannot believe it's Friday again already! And in 2 more Fridays, it will be Wedding Eve :) I better get to work!!
Weigh in = -0.4 lbs!! Ha. Too funny. But I'm back in the 148 range so I'm happy.
The weekend is slotted to be busy. I get dizzy just thinking about it. We need to finalize some things + shop for some things + visit J's nanny cause she's not coming to the wedding + visit my parents to finalize some things + get my house in better shape as there will be company around in the next 2 weeks. Yikes. J is supposed to be off early today and has a "to do" list. I'm hoping that pans out!
I'd like to say that I'll check in more often but I'm not sure that's going to be happening. I WILL at least report my weight next week if nothing else.
Happy Friday :)


healthyjen said...

AAAHHH! Welcome back!!! I have missed you! Did you have fun? Photos?? I want to hear all about it! Maybe sometime when you're back to routine/normal mode we will catch up on the telephone... or long emails!

I'm just glad you're back safe and sound!!

healthyjen said...

Tara... Tara... where for art thou??

I miss thee!!

If you come back, I promise to go back to talking normal :)

I hope you're adjusting to married life... and life back in routine.

When is the Niagara marathon again?