Thursday, August 7, 2008

No cheat day!

What a concept! I have behaved myself today cause I wanted to hold off my weigh in until tomorrow. Things went well again today. Nothing much to report. I was up half the night so I've been exhausted today but finally saw a Dr. and have a prescription for my problem :)
Need to do a long run - maybe tomorrow, maybe Saturday??
- toast with PB and J (3)
- bagel and tomato sammich (2)
- zucchini/tomato/mushroom stirfry leftovers (0)
- 1/2 c. strawberries (0)
- yogurt (1)
- ravioli (7) with parmesan cheese (1)
- salad with balsamic vinegar (0)
- 4 melba with ff cream cheese (2)
- 100 cal choc. bar (2)
- mini wheats with skim milk (3)
- cranberry juice (2)


healthyjen said...

Are you having trouble sleeping? I have been for about a month and a half... but blame it on lack of structure and severe lack of activity. Hopefully the prescription helps you and you find yourself in a deep, lovely slumber already!!

You did GREAT today. I love cheat night... but it also feels good NOT to cheat. I think I was feeling like my menu for today sucked really bad earlier when I wanted the chicken!!! Tomorrow, I will eat chicken until i grow feathers and all will be good.

I will be back Saturday to report that tomorrow night was a success (for me and my food intake anyway!)

I will join you for the long run on saturday (from my own place that is). I plan on jogging it out (slow pace, but longer time) on the weekend and ease my way back in to it.

I'm so happy we're back at this... I knew I missed my daily Tara dose, I just didn't realize how MUCH i missed it until today!

Also... I will kick up my heels and dance at your wedding (without an injured dress!!)... I won't go around talking to strangers or taking pictures of people's feet! That was reserved for your bachelorette party ONLY!!!! This time I think I would rather spend my time talking to YOU instead! I was so upset with myself for breaking the camera and spending my whole night talking to strangers rather than my friend, the bride, herself!!!! What got into me? Oh yes... alcohol!!!

Good luck at WI tomorrow!!!

PS - the bagel and tomato "sammich" sounds good :) Sounds like Preston-speak or something!!