Friday, October 31, 2008

Down a LITTLE!

Loss of 0.8 this week. Wow, eh?!? Pathetic, I say! Oh well. I shouldn't complain.
Halloween decorating in progress, chili in crockpot, pumpkin seeds cooked, lemon squares done. All that's left is cutting up the veggies and making the dip. Oh the joy of a Halloween birthday party! Whose idea was this anyway???


healthyjen said...

You are PRODUCTIVE!! I hope the party goes well... sorry you were the last to know about it being at your house... Just give them some alcohol and they'll be happy with whatever you do (or don't) serve!!

The food sounds DELICIOUS though!!! I love lemon squares but never make them (although I think i've seen WW recipes for them... but I could be wrong).

I'm headed to Pontypool and get to see my nephew soon... that will fix all :) Maybe he'll even say "JEN" in honour of my birthday.. haha!

I can't wait to see you at some point... my one friend who i feel actually has an interest in my life and who cares about me... and makes an effort for me. I can't thank you enough for all of your years of hard work and dedication :) I better stop now or i will cry (why didn't someone warn me turning 30 could be so emotional?? haha!!).

I will be sure to take photos! I'm glad you like the dress... I got it on sale for $60 at sears! i NEVER go in sears... this time it paid off!!!

Be sure to take photos of Little P all dressed up tonight and trick or treating!!!!! (please!)

Happy halloween!!