Friday, October 17, 2008

Where did the scale go?

Under the bed apparently! I didn't weigh in yesterday because I couldn't find the scale. Our bathroom is not the biggest and with the house up for sale and all, the scale had to go under our bed, unbeknownst (I've always wanted to use that word!) to me. I remembered to ask where it was last night and did my weigh in this morning. Technically, I don't really know when my last weigh in was so I guess I better go by the ticker...which means I'm up 2 lbs from Aug. 28th!!!!
Not too shabby when you think about it. I mean, throw in a wedding, a honeymoon, Thanksgiving and selling your house and 2 lbs. doesn't seem SO bad!
I need to get back under my "you're being bad" number though. I just need to find me some motivation! I'm going to look for it this weekend :)
Happy Friday!


healthyjen said...

Haha, I don't know what was up with my breakfast. Alex reacted the same way as you... I was just trying to give my muscles protein... since I had just read in a magazine how important that was. I'm an oddball for sure :)

WAY TO GO on the 2lb gain... holy CRAP!! That is definitely something to be proud of... I would have gained 20lbs!!!

I hope you found your motivation this weekend!!

I got my sickkids schedule the other day so I'll have to get back to you about drinks (my schedule is at my office, not here at home)... i know I'm working a lot of weekends (which is a good thing... more money for christmas and one step closer to being debt-free and buying a house!).

Can't wait to hear how your weekend went... and how house-hunting is going! how fun!!!! (well, at least I assume it's fun).