Monday, April 13, 2009

Harder than I thought!

Well, it's "girl" week here and that has made today a bit more challenging than I thought. I'm craving bad food but have done my best to behave. I also have some wicked pain but with Advil, I'm dealing.
Got a run in this morning again. Not sure how far as we went on the trail and I wasn't wearing my ipod. We did run for 47 min. though. Not too bad.
Food today:
B- egg (2) on toast (1) with ff miracle whip (0)
L- "chicken" nugget sandwich - ww bun (2) topped with tomato sauce (0), fake chicken nuggets (2), ff cheese slice (1) all toasted in the toaster oven with a spinach salad on the side (1)
Treat for today - 2 of J's reese minatures (2)
S- melba toast (2), handful of marshmallows (1)
D- veggie lasagna (6), brussel sprouts (1), salad (1)
S- small piece of mccain cake - oops!!! (3), marshmallows (2)
Now I NEED to stop eating! I'll ruin it all on what's supposed to be my EASY day!
As you can see, I'm technically over my points but there was good runs done 3 days in a row and I'm HUNGRY! So I will chalk it up to the activity and count some of those points as being used. We'll see how that works. Here's hoping for a better food day tomorrow!
Hope Jen is having fun at her Easter :)


healthyjen said...

I know I left a comment here last night... but it's not here! I bet I was so tired that I forgot to hit 'publish'.

I'm sorry it's that difficult week for you (cramps SUCK!).

I'm so happy with how well we did on the weekend. Imagine how bad it could have gone... we are amazing. You will be at your goal weight for Vegas, no problem!!!

I still maintain that you are the only person I know who voluntarily eats brussel sprouts!!

Happy BL night!