Sunday, April 12, 2009

Scale check PLUS updates!

Up 1.8lbs! OOPS!
You know what that means? A 6K run this AM by myself. Just me and the Ipod. 6K in less than 40 min. I'll take it! Especially since I ran a 5K about 15 hours ago! The run was not liking me much. It was super windy out. And I had about 3 bouts of nausea thouroughout but hey...desperate times... :)
Food so far:
B- hard boiled egg (2) on toast (1) with ff miracle whip (0)
Post run- protein shake (2) (yogurt - 1, crystal light - 0, 1/2 scoop protein powder -1, handful of frozen berries - 0)
Lunch and Dinner are unknown at this point!
I'll be back!
So lunch was definitely minimal = 1 piece toast (1) topped with hummus and hot peppers (0), yellow pepper strips (0), a few strawberries (0)
At J's family dinner I sat by the veggie tray to start!! I will count (1) for dip! However, let's remember there were drinks - rum and diet coke = 12 total for the day. YES, I have a problem :) I'm OK with it! Dinner was surprisingly a buffet style!! There were more people there than expected so we couldn't all sit at the table which meant buffet!!
D- spinach salad (1), coleslaw (1), small piece of veggie lasagna (2), 3 bites of stuffing (1), corn (1), 1/2 bun (2), turnip (0), veggie nuggets (3?)- J's sister's BF is a vegetarian and makes his own out of soy! AND my treat for the day = dessert! J's mom calls it Cherries in the Snow. It's basically a trifle with angel food cake, a cream cheese, cool whip, sugar mixture and canned cherries (4???).
SO...I think I did OK. I realize the drinks aren't a great idea points wise. But hey, that's life!
Another run is planned for tomorrow. That should be 3 runs in 3 days. No excercise on my hardest day which is understandable I think!


healthyjen said...

AWESOME! Not that you're up 1.8lbs... but that you saw you're up and you're doing something about it. You know, the old you (and by 'you', i mean 'US') would have said 'screw it' and just given in to the fact that we'd be up this weekend... we'd already sabotaged it, why not go BIG or go home...

As far as I'm concerned dear Tara... You've definitely beaten this weekend. I am so PROUD!!!

I can't wait to hear about the rest of your day! If mom wasn't freaking out and trying to get things done for tomorrow, i'd do a quick post too... but I have to go help get things ready.

I'll give you a sneak preview. Today has involved 30min on kristen's gazelle (like yours) and the 30min bigges loser cardio... i've already had my 'treat'... it's a cake ball (2pts). I'm good for the day now.

Enjoy your Easter dinner! It's kind of weird not seeing my family on easter sunday... not even my sisters.... but, that's what tomorrow is for this year.

healthyjen said...

You kicked butt! You had drinks... but they were with diet pop. Could be worse!! The dessert sounds really good... sounds like a good treat!!

Way to go. You've basically made it through the weekend! Enjoy your quiet day tomorrow. That's the only problem with postponing our Easter until Monday... No rest before going back to work. Tuesday I am going to be TIRED!!