Monday, March 3, 2008

It's like I've never seen food...

I don't know what is going on here. I'm a pig, I guess! I just can't seem to get full. I will spare you the exact details. Just know that there were pita chips, cereal, and cookies involved. It looks like salad for dinner. Or maybe nothing! I could excercise...but that is likely wishful thinking.
This week is NOT going well :(


healthyjen said...

I understand... I could have eaten a deep fried cow today given the chance (luckily I was at work with NOTHING to eat!).

how did dress shopping go on saturday??? can't wait to hear!

healthyjen said...

i just remembered something that seems to help both of us when we are struggling - go grocery shopping!!! buy lot's of colourful and healthy foods!!!

if this week is a write off... then go friday and start the next week off with a bang!!!

i am off sick today... only my stomach issues resolved and i was starving this afternoon... i demolished 5 100 calorie snacks (2 cadbury thins, 3 cracker/salty type packs!!!). i would have been better off going in to work after i started feeling better!