Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Yes, surprisingly enough, I just did some excercise! And it hurt! I think I bruised my elbows trying to do the crazy planks. I love hardwood but it's not the greatest if you're trying to do sit-ups/push-ups and planks! Oh well. I did something!
I did some grocery shopping after work today and got some fresh veggies and some strawberries and pineapple. I can't wait for strawberry season! I discovered that shopping at 5pm is not the greatest idea though. Besides having to walk the aisles 3 times over to go back and get stuff, I also ended up putting a lot in my cart that I didn't need to because I was super hungry!! The good thing is, I didn't wolf it down when I got home. I will save it for when I deserve a treat and portion it correctly! SO there!
Food today:
B- ww bagel with ff cream cheese (3)
L- 0pt progresso soup from the states (0!), egg salad sandwich (3), yogurt (1), raspberries and mango (1)
S- Melba toast (2)
D- spicy mango basa filet (3), french fries (3), spicy green beans (1)
S- Old Dutch Creamy Dill Bakes (4) - went grocery shopping at Country find!! We'll see how they turn out!!


healthyjen said...

YAY!!! You are a tough cookie doing planks on hardwood... it's tough! the BL workout has you do pushup stuff and my hands get sweaty and it's hard to not slide all around on the wood floor.

I bet getting some activity in helped a little bit with your winter blahs too.

I'm totally with you - canNOT wait for strawberry season. You're good though... I can't shop at all when I'm hungry. I buy everything bad for me... and once it's in the house, i can't resist it at all (you're much better at resisting than i am!).

I bought some of that spicy mango basa filet too! I haven't tried it yet though... maybe that will be dinner tomorrow night!!

0pt soup? YAY US shopping!! I can't wait to go again with you!! WITHOUT the border drama! mmmm... we should go to the cheesecake factory and taste test every kind of cheesecake they have. Okay, I'm drooling... time to go to bed!!

Have a good hump day!

healthyjen said...

I meant to ask if you were at your sister's at all last night? When we drove past I thought I saw your car there!