Tuesday, March 18, 2008


That was close! The channel that I normally watch Biggest Loser on seems to be "out" - damn cable. But fortunately, it appears to be on another channel! Go Bob!
K, just going to report my food for today since la show is already on.
B- ww toast and egg (3)
L- mushroom and brie soup (3), ryvita crackers (1), hummus (0), yogurt (1), strawberries (1)
S- 100 cal smartpop (1)
D- cheater lasagna (veggie ground meat (1), catelli smart pasta (3), cottage cheese (1), cheese (2)), salad with strawberries and blue cheese (2)
S2 - ???


healthyjen said...

that was a close one!!! glad you found another channel to watch our show on! i missed the first hour because i still made my sorry butt do my own biggest loser dvd... BUT i'm going to tape it on the west coast channel and watch it in the morning while on the treadmill. i can't miss makeovers!!

everything ran late tonight because i was on the phone with my ww cousin... she is going through a similar thing to you... winter blah's... struggling with weight... emotional over it... (although, in her case she is over her goal and can't seem to get back down right now). Thought i'd tell you about her though... so you know there are others out there like you! you should pop into the lindsay one some wednesday morning and just say hello to her (although, you work then i suppose! she does the 9am meeting)... you guys could empathize with each other!

that sucks you didn't see the biggest loser dvd! next time i'm at a costco i'll look for you and grab it if i see it!!!!

okay, better get to bed if i want to get up in 7 hours and jog. blah.