Thursday, January 22, 2009

I'll take it...

I'm down 1.4 lbs this week and I'm not complaining! After a less than stellar weekend, the willpower through the week and probably the treadmill time has worked :)
I was inspired to be good today so I will report my food. I also had some pics but I can't get them to load properly :( Oops!
B- same (3)
L- lean cuisine cheese canneloni (4), spinach/apple salad (2), muffin (1), clementines (1)
S- 8 melbas dipped in tomato sauce (2)
D- shrimp in white wine sauce with added yellow/red peppers (2), baked potato (2), peas (1)
S- ???

I'm excited to report that when I made my spinach salad this AM, I used up the last of one of those jumbo pre-washed containers of spinach. I ate the whole thing!!! J may have had a bit but mostly, all me!!!


healthyjen said...

Woohoo!!! You rock!! Keep up the efforts and you'll be back to where you want to be in NO time at all!!! Then before you know it you'll be back to running outside in the perfect spring weather!!!

Can't wait to see how our efforts pay off next week!