Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I'm sick of winter.
I'm sick of snow.
I'm sick of cold.
I'm sick of no sun.
I'm sick of not being able to run outside.
I'm sick of thinking that food will make it better.

I'm hungry today. I'm not excercising. I need some willpower cause I'm just not motivated today for some reason. I haven't wrecked everything yet...but there's still time.
B - (3)
L - ww bagel (2) with cream cheese (1), spinach salad with apple (2), cravings cheesecake (1)
S - 1 rye cracker with tzatziki (1)
D - tuna casserole (5 - smaller serving tonight!), brussel sprouts (1), veggies and dip (1), handful of jellybeans (1)
S - maple tea (0), ww cookie (1)


healthyjen said...

I hear you... I'm tired of the snow. I'm tired of my half hour drive to work taking me over an hour each way today!

we must hang in there... spring is only 50 days away now!

i hear you about the motivation... i have none this week.

I think we have to make a pact to make sure we go back to trying really hard come friday... it's a new week... we have to help each other reach our goals!!

don't sweat it if you don't exercise... but try not to blow it with your food, you'll be glad tomorrow when you didn't!

we can do it!!
Love... "sunshine" (ps i love that you called me that yesterday, it did put a smile on my face and make me happy!).

I will be back to post in my blog later!