Sunday, January 25, 2009


Ok, so it's probably well known that I don't do very well on weekends. I was trying to make this weekend an exception. Sadly, it wasn't!
Foodwise: not awful until too many drinks took their effect - then, there may have been jelly beans and chocolate. Then, well feeling a bit hungover this AM, McDonalds breakfast made perfect sense. Oops.
Alcohol wise: 10 drinks??? 'Nuff said!
Excercise wise: I DID do some excercise. I did a toning video yesterday morning and I can definitely feel it today!
So as usual, I hope that I didn't get too out of control and look to today to meal plan and grocery shop (if I can get off the couch). Hopefully, with a lot of hard work, I can muster up some sort of loss by Thursday.
This process would be a heck of a lot easier if I didn't do this to myself!!!!!!


healthyjen said...

Your weekend sounds perfect to me right now... What was the occasion that called for 10 drinks? McDonalds was a good call! You did exercise? You are further ahead than I!!