Friday, December 14, 2007


Why is it that after a great weigh in, I'm not motivated to keep going with what I'm doing to be successful? I put myself in a bad position tonight. I went Christmas shopping at the "OC" right after work. I grabbed a box of Triscuits for the ride...there was about half of them left...I almost ate them all! I figured I'd count that as my dinner but crackers don't seem to stay with you very long. Especially when you have to pick up a few groceries before coming home. I bought a pizza even though I knew I shouldn't. I cooked the pizza, knowing I shouldn't. I ate half the pizza, all the while telling myself NOT to! What is wrong with me?????
So good news is, I only have one more present to buy. Bad news, my food was horrible today!
B: ww bagel and cream cheese (2)
L: cup of soup (1), triscuits (3), cheese (2), cukes and hummus (1), V8(1), tapioca pudding (2)
S: Triscuits (10??)
D: Pizza (16) OUCH!


healthyjen said...

my concern is NOT your food today. My concern is - how on EARTH did you survive the OC after work? I go there during my lunch hour and it's insane every day now!!! Had I known you were going I would have waited around and met you for a bit! Alex appears to be coming down the flu so he has been sent home so I don't get sick before spending the weekend with Simon!

Don't sweat it about the food... you KNOW you can make up for it and have great days the rest of the week. we all have 1 day a week where we eat a little more (mine is always thurs/fri and/or sat!)

you're already winning the battle with these days where we eat a bit more - because you're still accounting for it with our menu challenge!!!

healthyjen said...

I just read your comment on my post. you do NOT SUCK!!! have we forgotten that I should be taking lessons from YOU and getting out there (to my living room, where my treadmill is) and jogging more??

stop putting yourself down missy! this life... we'll have good days and worse days... obviously, the good out-weigh the more difficult days for you because look at how you found that wiggle room again! you're doing AWESOME!!!

healthyjen said...

one more comment..!!!!

I can't BELIEVE how fast our nephews are growing... but it's SUCH a FUN age they're getting in to. I just love him so much I could cry (i am getting so freaking emotional in my old age. i cry at anything!).

I better stop commenting before I actually DO cry!! haha!!