Thursday, December 27, 2007

Where did Christmas go???

Well, the big day has come and gone. How did that happen? It was 3 straight days of eating, drinking and being merry and it was lovely! And it was 3 days in a row of Little P :) He was generous enough to give me TWO framed pictures of himself. The one frame says : Aunt - like mom only cooler! Loved it :) The other is his one of his pics from Sears. Too friggin' cute!
Food lowdown for the holidays: too much consumed! Lots of veggies and dip around though so that was a help. Also lots of homemade perogies and such. Not much of a help! Overall, it could have been worse.
Excercise lowdown: None, nada, zip! Me, myself and I had a couple conversations that were something along the lines of this:
Me: you should go for a run
Myself: but it's snowing/raining/sleeting
Me: you still should TRY and go
I: but I might slip and fall
Me: at least you will be getting excercise while getting back up from said fall!
As you can see Myself and I ganged up on me and there was no running!
OK, enough of that!
It was a great couple of days and today I was back into the swing of things. I drank all my water (what a concept!) and my body is thanking me!
B: toast with pb and j (3)
L: cup of soup (1), salad (1), cottage cheese (2), 2 bites of potato salad (2), clementines (1)
D: Strange but true - french toast sandwiches (7). I'm on my own tonight and was searching for something easy to eat when I remembered something from my childhood. My mom made french toast and melted a slice of cheese between 2 pieces and then you could put syrup on them. Sounds weird but it's really good!
S: chips and dip (4). Chips are called Kettle Bakes - you can have 32 chips for 3 pts!
Check them out HERE
Happy Day before FRIDAY!!!!


healthyjen said...

HEY! I'll have to try those kettle bakes!! I've seen them in the health food section. I'm afraid if I buy them I'll eat them all... I'll have to think this through carefully now that I'm cracking down all over again!!

Sounds like you had a great Christmas and Little P spoiled his favourite Auntie!!!

Thanks for putting the photos on facebook - I enjoyed them all! Is Little P sitting up on his own already? Where is the time going???