Tuesday, December 18, 2007

There may have been an incident...

with raspberry macaroon squares. I didn't just eat half either...I ate TWO! And I had not figured any treats into my day. Whoops. I now have like 6 (wait a minute...I have 9!!!) weekly points left and a work Christmas lunch tomorrow. I can tell you right now, I will be over points. However, I know there will be shrimp and veggies and dip so if I can stick mostly to that stuff, I might be alright. If there's raspberry macaroon squares....I'm SCREWED!!!
B: WW toast with PB & J (3)
L: Soup (1), Salad (1), Melba (2), Cottage cheese (2), V8 (1), Clementines (1)
S: TWO squares (4??) - if I count 4 then I *almost* fit them into my day!
D: Veggie lasagna (6) - I cheated and bought this one. It was Masterchoice Brand and it's a good sized tray and you can have 1/4 of the tray for 6 points...I was impressed! Salad with cheese (2)
So not so bad when I write it out...I had thought in my head that I was higher...


healthyjen said...

well, I think you're still doing better this week than I am!

Why must I snack on things and lick the spoon when I'm baking? I honestly feel I need to make sure things taste okay before I serve them - but I don't need as much as I do consume in order to make sure everything is good!!

I guess the holidays are in the home stretch and this will be our toughest challenge of the year... but we can DO IT! we might have slip ups... but we'll recover and make our own new year challenge of some sorts (and still keep our menu challenge!).

I wonder if on our busy days we don't have time to eat much, then before we know it we're starving and grab everything we can in a hurry to eat... and i think this is life. busy days will be unavoidable and we won't always be able to plan perfectly. you're right about the key - picking up the pieces and moving on!

i don't have a favourite biggest loser either... i'll just watch for motivation!