Sunday, December 9, 2007

Weekends are hard!

So yesterday went according to plan. 1 caesar, a cup of soup and a clemintine to add into the mix. I think I pretty much accounted for everything. It's hard when it's appetizers though!
Today...was busy with Little P most of the day. His parents had L's staff work party and were pretty hung today so he didn't leave until 4pm...yep, 24 hours of Preston! He was too cute. And overall, a great baby. Slept from 830pm to 630am! We got to try sweet potato for lunch today for the first time. He loved it!!
Anyway, on to the eating. I had a bit of a slip up today...I ate what I thought was a late breakfast but when you get up at 630, it turns out that 9am felt "late"! So I wasn't really planning on having lunch per se but I did have consisted of pretzels and pita chips! Oops.
Otherwise -
B: Whole wheat pancakes - 1pt each, I had 4! I added a few chocolate chips to the batter (2)
L: Pita chips/pretzels (10??)
D: Spicy basa filet (3), perogies (3), spicy beans (1)
S: Tea and 100 cal choc. pretzel bar(2) - frig, enough with the pretzels already!!!
So had I not pigged out on snacks, I would have been fine!
On to tomorrow!!


healthyjen said...

oh man, we both found today to be difficult.

okay, let's put it behind us and look forward to the next 3 days being the best they can and us getting the results we want on Thursday!!

Sounds like the weekend went well (what a great nephew you have!!). Please send along photos if you have some!