Thursday, February 19, 2009

As predicted

I'm up 1 lb. No excuses. It is what it is.
It was snowing and blowing in the big L town today so no run. No excercise at all actually. I've already settled on the couch for TV night. I discovered I can watch ER at 7pm on an east coast station. Then Survivor at 8, Grey's at 9 and Private Practice at 10. Yes, that is pathetic. Do I care? No.


healthyjen said...

i think your evening sounds great... i love evenings where your entire TV viewing is planned (because then you're not tortured with nothing to watch!).

i don't know how we get out of this rut... well, you'll be back to kicking ass once you can run outside... that isn't a factor for me, i have no excuse!!

cheers to next week... good luck doing well over the weekend!!!

healthyjen said...

okay... i was watching x-weighted today... paul plankas (or whatever the trainer's name is) tells people not to eat anything that doesn't have nutritional value for your body. i think i will try that this week (except ONE free night where you can have something bad and alcohol!!).

what do you think of that? this week will be fruits, vegetables, dairy, whole grains... and lean protein. i'm excited actually!! what do you think? are you up for it? we have to record everything we eat every day (and if we don't post on our blog one day... we still have to report what we ate on those days when we post again). it's not a life long thing... it's just a challenge for the week to see how our results are.

are you up for it? do you have major plans this weekend that will automatically destroy the plan? we could give ourselves friday or saturday off of it... but then get back at it by sunday/monday for sure (so, if we mess up one day, we don't mess up the whole week following it).