Tuesday, February 24, 2009

When you're on a roll...

why change things? Today, my breakfast, lunch and snack was EXACTLY the same as yesterday! A bit boring but I decided not to mess with it. I have been off yogurt for a while now but I'm really enjoying it this week with the berries and bran buds in it. My green grapes are really crunchy too...just the way I like them!
Dinner tonight was a big spinach salad with red pepper, cukes, onion, tuna (3)- yes I had the whole can!, egg (2), 2tbsp. hummus (0) all topped with balsamic vinegar mixed with splenda/lime juice/garlic powder/salt/hot sauce/red pepper flakes. Along side of this, I had a portabello mushroom (soaked in balsamic then grilled up in frying pan) on 2 pieces of pumpernickle bread (2) topped with hot peppers, mustard and ketchup. Dinner was awesome!!!
I just finished having some candy cane green tea and 1/3c. of dried apricots (1).
Total points so far = 16.
I'm thinking I might have a hard boiled egg for snack later? Maybe more grapes? We'll see - right now I'm full!

PS. last night I had some vanilla shreddies and 1/2c. skim milk for snack. Cereal may have been breaking the rules!!!


healthyjen said...

I LOVE the Costco in Ptbo... any time I've been there it's not been too busy at all! I also can get my allegro skim milk cheese there for a really good deal... and they had cases of SF red bull once when I went... It's just really handy how close it is to my mom and dad too (i like going there with my mom).

You are doing AWESOME again today!! I didn't realize you had been off of yogurt... good job getting it back (at least I think it's a good thing, I always read how good it is for you).

Your dinner sounds sooooo good again!! I really should buy portabello mushrooms sometime, you made them look so good when you posted a photo of them once (in your super veggie dinner!). Your salad dressing sounds great too... I'm all about the balsamic vinegar again right now!! I forgot how much I love it.

I think shreddies is okay... it's whole grains and healthy, right? It's not like some sugary cereal!

Enjoy biggest loser... I hope tomorrow is just as great for you (food wise at least!)