Sunday, March 8, 2009

Acceptable weekend?

Not perfect but I'm thinking it was OK!
Friday night is usually pizza night. Instead, we had subs. I also had some "healthy" chips later on with our wine!
Saturday was We Will Rock You day. It was great! And we went to an Italian restaurant afterwards - I had a vegetarian multigrain pizza and a Calabrese salad. I also had 2 caesars and a bit of wine.
Today we went out for breakfast (jeez, maybe we just need to stay home for a while!!). I had french toast and homefries (15???). I did housework and some laundry and then...I went for a RUN!!!!!! Wooohoooo! It was a walk/run as I went with someone else but that's OK. It was something and it was a fabulous day out! For dinner we had cheese tortellini (7) with salad and a piece of bread (3).
Overall, I feel like the weekend was better than usual so it's a start. Lunches are packed and ready to go and I have fruit and veggies in the house :)


healthyjen said...

way to go!!! your weekend sounds awesome... and i can't believe you got for a run today!! how great did it feel? I am jealous!!!

I can't wait to see how your week shapes up... since you feel good after your weekend, i think you'll make awesome progress in your week!!!

I love the larabars... I'm not crazy about the key lime ones, but I enjoy the chocolate coconut and cashew cookie from costco... but now that I know they're basically the same price at superstore, I will possibly change where I shop for them!!

speaking of costco... i have to make a run to the ptbo one next week (it's the only one i can find my "motivate" protein bars at!! I have looked at THREE other costcos!!)... i thought I would mention it in case you were interested in going! we could go saturday or sunday! (i can always go on my own on sunday too, just thought i'd mention it to you!).

here's to a great week ahead of us!!!