Monday, September 17, 2007

I almost cried!

So last night after making 4 tortillas into chips, I divided them up into ziplock baggies but left them unzipped as I wanted to make sure they were cool before they were zipped. Makes sense, right? Well fast forward to this AM when I was in a hurry to pack my lunch and was randomly throwing things into my lunch bag, including the unzipped tortilla chips, all the while forgetting their unzipped status. So there I am at work, all excited about my hummus and chips at lunch time and I pull the bag out and HALF of my chips fall to the floor. Wouldn't be so bad if I was at home or if I worked ANYWHERE other than a hospital :( It was so very sad!!! Half of my beloved chips scattered on the hospital floor! Boo hoo!
Anyway, other than that tragedy, a not so bad day.
Food today:
25 Vanilla Miniwheats (3) + 1/2c skim milk (1)
Tomato sandwich on WW bread (1)
Hummus and chips (2)
Sugar free Jello chocolate pudding (1)
Strawberry cottage cheese (1)(only ate half as cottage cheese with fruit is not for me!)
Veggie sausage on WW wrap (4)
3/4c. peas (1)
1/2c. Lipton noodles (3)
Hot chocolate (1)
WW cake (1)
Hummus and chips (2) (this time I had ALL 8 chips!)

Activity: 4.8K run (then a bubble bath!)

That's it for today!
Here's to a relaxing evening and good sleep!


healthyjen said...

I feel your pain... it really is tragic when you have a really great lunch that you can't wait to eat... and then something like that happens!

Really awesome food choices today... keep it up!!! You're going to be at your goal before you know it! You'll definitely be at it by the wedding... I can feel it!