Thursday, September 20, 2007


...running 3 days in a row, prior to weigh, makes me retain water? Maybe I ate too much salt for dinner last night? Maybe I didn't drink enough water? Maybe I shouldn't have weighed in early? No matter what excuse I may have, I am UP 0.8lb. As you may have guessed, I am VERY frustrated but what can I do? Nothing. I did everything this week, including keeping a very close watch on those sneaky, little 35 weekly points and what do I get? A GAIN!!! I know I have to keep going and stay OP but it's weeks like this that make you wonder. These 5 lbs have been so frustrating and I don't know what else I can do to get rid of them.
Anyway, depressing post over. I WILL keep working, I WILL track my food, I WILL keep blogging to keep me honest :)
Go WW and go Jen at your weigh-in tonight :) I will send some skinny vibes your way. There must be some around here somewhere!

*Please excuse my ticker, I don't know what's up with the 0.400000001 business!*


healthyjen said...

I know it's hard to hear - but it's not even a pound! I think you still did amazing! I think it could very well have been because of weighing in a day early... the 1 day seems to make a huge difference for me! for me, it even depends on the TIME of day... I seem to be bloated in the AM and can weigh less by the PM!

Don't give up - there's still plenty of time to get to your goal!!!