Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Not much to report

It was a crap day at work and I have never been so glad to get outta there. I think I've just been working too many screwy shifts lately and I'm bitter. But anyway....
Food wise today was a lot the same as yesterday except after work I had a preztel and cheese thingy for 2 pts. and then went for a 6.4K run. Then for dinner, we had subway! 12 inch veggie sub for 10pts. So my points for the day are gone but I know I'll be having something else tonight. Probably tea and a WW cake and maybe something else. Will use a couple flex or maybe use half of my activity points. I have been using them when I do my long runs as I get extremely hungry.
Anyway, boring day but OP nonetheless.
Biggest Loser tonight...YAY for motivation!
Cheers! (with water, of course!)


healthyjen said...

You're doing so awesome! I don't know HOW you go for such a long run after you've worked all day!!!

Dinner sound GOOOOD! Maybe I'll have to have subway after my WI on Thursday again!

healthyjen said...

I think your doctor will do bloodwork... at least mine does every year at my appointment! If you give her the heads' up about something you want checked out, they typically will do it for you!

Is this your first time meeting this doctor?

I hope you have tomorrow off! You're working too bloody hard!!!