Thursday, September 27, 2007


So I peeked on the scale this afternoon when I got up. Wait a minute, let's be honest here - I weight myself EVERYDAY. But today, I was pleasantly surprised at the number. I have the *potential* to have a pretty good damn week.
BUT, the challenges???
1. I'm running my medium run today (4.8K) - ? water retention due to sore muscles.
2. My sister is coming over tonight for TV night (with little P of course!!!!) and I know there will be snacking involved.
3. Snacks usually involve sodium!!!
1. Water, water, water and MORE water!
2. Luckily I've slept until now, therefore, no points consumed yet.
3. Life goes on! I could choose not to have TV night or snacks but in the grand scheme of things, who am I kidding? Life happens and it's not the end of the world if I have a bit of water retention! (remind me of this statement tomorrow if I'm disappointed!!)

As for my last nightshift - it royally sucked! I was very busy with one patient and said patient was very sick which made me feel sick and I didn't eat a quarter of what I had planned to! There was an incident with chips and dip though so I think that made up for the points I had counted for the night!


healthyjen said...

I just double checked and 2 fig newtons is RIGHT on the border between 1 and 2 points... but I always give Chicklet half of one of them and then I know it's only 1pt!

Way to go on your work so far this week!!! I read your entry at work (and of course, can't reply!)... and I was thinking. Another option could be to switch WI days to Thursdays... then you can feel a bit more relaxed for your Thursday evenings (since J is out of town and you typically do something Thurs eves) and you run on Thursdays... that was my thought! But I know if Fridays is your routine you may not want to switch... getting me to switch my routine is worse than pulling teeth I think!

I can't WAIT for Ugly Betty and Grey's tonight!! I bought some of the 1pt cheesecakes at Reid's dairy on my way home tonight... and a 'chocolate fix' thing... I'm all set! It will be a turkey sub, cheesecake, popcorn, and choc fix tonight!!!

Enjoy your time with Little P (I LOVE that name for him!!). I'm going to see Simon the next 2 weekends in a row because we're going to Pontypool for dinner Sunday and then the following weekend is Thanksgiving!!

I've typed a HELLUVA lot here! I'm going to go weigh in and post my results... I weighed myself this morning and I'm expecting a gain now tonight... but now when I weighed myself tonight I may just see a loss... it's so hard to know. My scale is so tempermental. Maybe I need a new battery for it. It's been over 2 years...

Okay, I'm going to stop typing now!!!

Good luck in the morning!! I'll be cheering you on!