Thursday, September 13, 2007

Looonnnng Night!

Well, it's almost over! It's 6:30am and I'm just waiting to go home and go to bed! Just wanted to say that I did it! I survived and stayed OP which is a first for me on nights. It wasn't much fun...I was pretty hungry at times during the day but I did it! Yay. Now I'm off to sleep so I can do another night when I get up! THEN, only 2 more nights in September before I start my day job in October. Wooohooo!!
Goodnight :)
PS. I lied, I had a handful of jellybeans...I wonder how many points that is???


healthyjen said...

GREAT JOB on the night!!! That takes sooooo much willpower when you're totally hungry AND tired... I don't know you did it - but I will draw on your strength!!!

Keep up the great work tonight!