Monday, January 21, 2008

So now I'm back...from outer space!

Mondays can sometimes be good days! Well, minus the cold and the work parts :) I had to make a choice today...I had time for exercise OR grocery shopping and meal planning. The latter won out. That doesn't really hurt my feelings too much as it was freakin' freezing out! The whole grocery trip has made me a little more inspired though. I got some good veggies and a pineapple! I forget how much I like it sometimes!
So my food day was something like this:
B- ww bagel with cream cheese (3)
L- cup of soup (1), melba toast (2), cheese (2), yogurt (1), V8 (1)
D- Chili-cheese fries - 2 servings of low fat fries (4), 1/2c. Stagg veggie chili (2), melted cheez whiz (1), Salad (1)
S- 1c. pinapple (1), maybe an aero single??? (2)

After the fries were done cooking, I threw in my spaghetti squash and cooked it up. Then I made a soy beef/mushroom/green pepper/garlic/tomato sauce mix to go with it. It works out to 2 pts. per serving. I'm very excited about this for lunch tomorrow...with pineapple for dessert!!
Now I just need some's never-ending!!!


healthyjen said...

Welcome back!! I'm so glad you did shopping and are enthused about your eating again! Let's make a note for next time there's a struggle... because i KNOW i am the same way... if you just go grocery shopping and fill your place with lot's of exciting healthy food - it's MUCH easier to eat right!!!

Your food looks GREAT today... and tomorrow's lunch sounds good too (although spaghetti squash NEVER sits right with me, i always dream i can eat it).

I'm glad you didn't run today... NOBODY should run in these extreme cold alerts!!! you made the right choice!

You asked about Jess' dress... i'm going to email you a photo of it (in case i'm not allowed to post it... just in case by some chance in hell the groom sees it!! i canNOT be responsible for that!)