Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Going MIA again!

Wow, what a busy week. I can't get over how busy things have been and how utterly crappy I've been sleeping! I'm trying to nail down a date for the big day but it's really inconvenient to have to work every day and not be able to make phone calls when people actually answer their phone! Whew.
I'm off to Toronto tomorrow right after work for a conference. We'll be down there until Saturday around noon. So I will be absent from the blog for a bit.
Food has been good. We opted out of our run today though...not too surprising considering the dog almost blew away this AM!
B- ww bagel with cream cheese (3)
L- Salad (0), cottage cheese (2), melba toast (2), yogurt (1)
S- 1 piece veggie edge leftovers (1), 1/2 c. alphabits (1)
D- Soy chicken and broccoli stir fry with instant mashed potatoes...yes, weird dinner (7)
S- 2 fruitsations (2), coffee crisp (2)

Good luck at weigh in tomorrow Jen!


healthyjen said...

Oh no! You need to get SLEEP!!! Hopefully you get a hold of someone soon! what IS good is the fact that you don't have to actually travel on Friday - I hear it's going to be NASTY outside!! Are you staying downtown?

Good luck today!!!!! Have a great trip into the city!!