Thursday, January 3, 2008

Veggie Girl!

I was going to call this "The Amazing Adventure of Veggie Girl" but then realized I don't really have any adventure to talk about! But I have eaten close to my weight in veggies today!! And I'm FULL :)


B: WW bagel with light cheez whiz (3)
L: Salad with homemade sesame thai dressing (1), cottage cheese (2), source yogurt (1), apple (1)
S: grilled cheese (2), dill pickle (0), 2 clementines (1)
D: Big bowl of zero point soup (1), Tilapia filet 'o' fish sandwich (4), leftover black bean and garlic broccoli (1)
S: Smart ones chocolate cake (4), tea (0)

Tomorrow is Friday already. Gotta love short work weeks. However, not sure what the plan for the weekend is except for cleaning up Christmas...SO sad!


healthyjen said...

Don't be sad about putting Christmas away!! Think of it as clutter now... and you'll feel like your place is so clean once it's away!

Your food is AWESOME today! You'll get your wiggle room back by next week for sure!!