Tuesday, January 8, 2008


So I got home from work today and went out for a run by myself, without my ipod (no charge left), in the rain. How's that for sticking with the plan??? 4KM later...I made and ate dinner and am now sitting back to relax and watch Biggest Loser. Maybe I'll get some planks in during the show. All in all, a VERY good WW day :)
B - ww toast with cheez whiz (2), 2 clementines (1)
L - salad (1), ff cottage cheese (2), yogurt (1), fruit cup (1) - btw, BEST fruit cup I've ever had. I don't usually buy them but saw the Dole tropical fruit ones that have pineapple and papaya.
S - 6 mini Lindor chocolate balls (4)
D - Flatout pizza - Flatout wrap (1) with 2 tbsp tomato paste (0), red pepper, hot pepper, tomato (0), cheese (2) + salad (1) + spaghetti squash lasagna (1)
S - chocolate pretzel bar (2)
Still room for a snack later...not sure what though.

Exciting news for next week - a HAIRCUT!! and colour. What a concept! My hair has been driving me crazy so it's long overdue!! I think I'm going to go for more red...


healthyjen said...

WAY TO GO!!!! you must feel awesome after your day!!!

i can't believe you still have chocolate pretzel bars left! mine are LONG gone. (you're good!!!)

ooooh haircuts are exciting!!! when are you going? i dyed my hair dark the other day... just to try to even out the roots with the old highlighted stuff... but the whole thing is a couple of shades darker than natural... so i'm just going to let it fade and wait until the summer to get highlights. i'm so boring with my hair these days!!! i say go for more red! the thing with red is... even if you don't like it, it fades so quickly anyway!