Friday, October 5, 2007

Quick WI post...

another 0.6lbs bites the dust! A loss is a loss, I guess. And considering I had veggie edge pizza and a caesar for good TV night last night, I'll accept it and keep going! I did have the points for the above food. I just feel bad eating it the night before WI. Hmmm, to change WI day or not??? Still thinking about that one.
My Thanksgiving plan this year?
1. eat light prior to dinner
2. have tastes of the "good stuff" but stick to the veggies!
3. only 1 bite each of the apple and pumpkin pie...from J's serving (cause I know he'll have both!!!)
4. plan how many drinks I can afford and STICK to it! (this will be my biggest challenge...that sounds bad but it's true!)

Happy Thanksgiving Weekend :)