Saturday, October 13, 2007

Shopping Day

Always a challenge to stay OP when you're planning on shopping for the day. Also hard to get in the water. I think I did OK's how it went:
B: WW toast and Cheez Whiz (2)
S: 1pt muffin
L: Vegetable Pad Thai (10)- could have done better here but I LOVE Thai Express and have to get it when I can!
D: Grilled Mahi Mahi (3), Greek rice (3), Salad (0) - this was when we got back to L's house
S: Mike's hard light (2), Coffee and Bailey's (2)
Now here's where I went wrong - I felt like Combo's when we were on our way home so we stopped at 2 convenience stores and found some. Well, J found them actually and I had both little packs that he bought me! Each one is 5 pts! Oops, there goes 10 more!
Oh well, count it up and move on!
Shopping day excitement: I bought a new dress! Now I just need shoes :)


healthyjen said...

I actually think 10 points is reasonable for a lunch out at a food court or something! where did you go shopping? We're heading to Pickering/Ajax today but not clothes shopping, it's COSTCO shopping! and probably lunch at denny's or applebee's!

Sooooo... what's the dress look like? I bet you look HOT in it!!

I will let you know about my dips! I'm with you though, I too hope I don't get too exhausted with how busy I am... I just keep thinking about buying a house and that's what keeps me going!