Sunday, October 28, 2007

Whew...what a day!

I ran 10K today and I ran it in less than 1hr and 10 min (which was what I ran last time in Ottawa). I finished in 1hr and 8min and ??sec!! It was very chilly to start and took a bit to feel warmed up. I ran the first 7K with my training partner and then her knee started to give out so she sent me ahead. We have a good understanding that if one of us is not feeling it, then the other should go ahead and do the best they can. So off I went...I had a song in my head and some people ahead of me that I'd been looking at most of the race that I wanted to beat!! I'm funny like that. I run the first bit and try to figure out why I can't catch up to the people in front of me and then if they're still in sight when I pick up the pace, I try to beat them! It's good motivation!
So anyway, race is done and over and now I just have to deal with my sore feet!
Off to the bath tub to soak :)
Enjoy your last moments of the weekend!


healthyjen said...

I hope you soaked in that tub long enough that you weren't hurting too much today.

Way to GO on the marathon!!! Man, I don't know HOW you do it!

Take a look at the goals you set forth over on the side of your blog - YOU DID IT! YOU ACCOMPLISHED THEM! that's so awesome!!! I hope that doesn't mean you're going to part ways with your blog because I'm addicted to it now!

I guess now the preparation for the wedding weekend begins! Is Little P still staying in the country for the weekend?

Congrats again - you done good girlfriend!